Monday, January 25, 2010

A Little Ambition

This is majorly lame, but I like planning things. Like, my entire life. See, when I have a plan, I have a will. I have no idea why I am that way. But, quite frankly, I really like it.
I've been watching Amazing Wedding Cakes, Cake Boss, and Ace of Cakes tons lately. So much, in fact, that my ambition has changed. I still want to go to college, write, etc. But now, while I'm working on my 2nd novel, I want to go to pastry school. I want to learn to make cakes like that genius of a man I call Christopher Garren.
If you honestly don't know who Chris Garren is, go to Christopher Garren's Cakes is in Costa Mesa, California. One day, I want to go there. I want to see their cakes, and take their classes. Look at his cakes. Watch Amazing Wedding Cakes. You'll know why I love them so much after about 10 episodes.
So this is my ambition. I want to have a bakery, where I make art in the form of cakes, sell a couple of novels, and get two degrees. One in school school, and the other in cake school.
My beastii cousin, Janelle, is going to own the cake shop with me. I wouldn't have it any other way. It's going to be so fun. We're working on ordering fondant right now. I could look at cakes and attempt to make them for HOURS.
But I don't. I have somewhat better things to do.
This week is Catholic Schools Week.
Today was Pajama Day and Sundae Monday. It was fun, I looked really cute. ( ; I love how I always have to talk about my clothes. Sorry, me moment right there.
Tomorrow is Talent Show Tuesday. Some of my very close friends are in it. One group of them is singing "One Time" and one of my other best friends is playing the guitar and singing her song. I'm excited, though I'm only doing something with my show choir.
Well, excited for them. For me, I'm just nervous. At least I'll be in a group.
Nerves are lame. 
All over Michigan, its' Catholic Schools Week. Wednesday is Friendship Games at Powers (I'd really rather not) and tomorrow the 6th graders are attending a Mass at Powers.
I guess Powers is an important school during CSW.
Gotta go, guys.
My friend taught me that. It means "Love You With All My Heart".
I think.
Let it Glee.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Guess who I met?
No. It wasn't the Jonas Brothers. Although I do love them. <3
He can write, guys. Like, professionally. He's seriously an artist with words. Go read "Bud Not Buddy". One of my favorite books I've ever read for school. After that, I read "The Washingtons go to Birmingham".
And he's gonna read my blog.
OMG. OMG. Seriously...
He's a pro. I'm so excited. I hope he likes it.. hey its josh have a thrashin thursday.
I met him at the Flint Institute of Arts, the major art museum in Flint. It's cool there, but meeting him seriously made my whole experience. He was signing books there, and we got pictures and everything.
It was nerve-wracking to get to meet someone who I really do look up to. I loved it, seriously, but everyone who writes books I've read is a little bit of my inspiration.
Inspiration is learning, and learning eventually equals more inspiration. It's a continuous cycle that everybody who writes has a part in.
Yes. I'm in it, and Christopher Paul Curtis is in it, and so are you, if you write things people read.
Writers rule the world. They have a power nobody else has, the power to harm and destroy when they're mad, and the power to build and create when they're not.
I love writing.
And you guys.
Have a taco Thursday. (I sit next to Josh in Computers, he's the one feeding me words.)
Let it Glee.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snow Day: Part 2

Today, I got TON of comments on my "Snow Day" post. So I decided, for the sake of you who don't quite understand, that I would explain just a little further.
You know that feeling, when you're with your family, up until midnight watching a movie? Or, out in front of a campfire in fall with a group of your friends, living and laughing? It's the feeling you get that equals pure bliss, the most concentrated form of happiness. Surely, you've felt it at one time or another.
That's my school.
I know, I am (and I quote) a freak. I'm a freak for loving school, and for letting it means so much to me. I'm a freak for loving every minute of it.
On the days when there isn't school, also known as snow days or holidays or the dreaded summer, I miss my friends.
Because, for me, friends sometimes mean happiness. They're like family, really. My family means just as much to me as my friends do. I take care of my friends and love on them, because they're some of my favorite people in the world.
Most my friends go to my school. They take care of me, too. They're the whole reason I like school.
They're what I go to school for.
On a much more minor factor, ignorance=depression. And learning keeps us happy. It's human nature. Most likely, nobody wants to admit it (except for me) but finally getting it makes you smile.
Or, I guess, I'm just even more of a freak for not wanting to be ignorant.
One of the two.
On a final note, I know this is two posts in one day. It was a more easygoing day at school. Right now I'm in computers. Last time was English.
So cherish your family. Love on your friends. Learn something or other.
Thanks, guys. I'm loving this day. I owe all of you for making it so.
Let it Glee.

A Fail of Most Epic Proportions

Writing papers is my favorite part of English class. I can honestly say that it comes easiest to me out of everything we learn, and I naturally expect pretty good grades, and about a 3-page paper.
My Cause and Effect essay was one page long.
One page.
People in my class, who aren't that into writing, wrote more than me.
It was good, about getting my contacts. I liked it. Josh (thank you Josh) hated it, but I don't write papers for his approval. I followed the guidelines. My cause and effect was pretty clear. (Cause= lost/busted my glasses, Effect= got my contacts).
But still...
One page. Ugh.
Moving on...
There's a concert at my church tonight, in Flint. I'm going with my dad, brother, Chad (my eldest cousin), and Aubree (my wise cousin). It's a Christian concert. I'm soooooo excited. Won't lie.
Snow plows have come through Flint's streets, trapping our neighbors' car and flattening our mounds of snow.
Also: I'm in English class with Zoe, Ron, Mason, Josh, Kendall, Charbrielle, Hailee, Lily, Ty, Jacquie, Taylor, Casey, and Tyrone.
There you go, guys.
As always, I love you all.
Have a _________ Thursday.
Let it Glee.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Reason Behind the Snow Day Hate

Yesterday, my school had their first snow day of the winter season. Most times, I wouldn't mind a snow day. But yesterday, I did. I do have reason, though.
I'm sure you are all aware that I was just out of school for winter break. It was amazing, I got everything I wanted, and was soo relaxing. By the time Monday came, though, I was more than ready to go back to my school. I'm not the same on this topic as other kids my age. I will explain how I feel about school as simply as I can.
My school is like my second family. I seriously love most the people there. Majority of my best friends in the world are with me there. I always have fun with them. Just being around them makes me so happy.
We had been back in school for four days. Then, "oh look! Everybody do all those lame things to make Isi mad and have a snow day!"Yeah, no... I miss people.
Pretty much every school in Flint was closed yesterday. My mom and I went to Tabboon and the mall, and also went to Hoffman's Deco Deli & Cafe, or Nick's, to me. (=
Go eat there. Seriously, they are inhumanly good. They have marble cheesecake brownies. And they're the best restaurant in Flint.
Hope all the other Flint kids had fun on their snow day. I made the most of mine.
I'd still rather be in school.
Have a splendifefrous Saturday.
Let it Glee.