Wednesday, December 30, 2009

... And a Happy New Year

My Christmas was fantastic, thanks. I got pretty much everything I wanted, and even more. Somewhat more importantly, got so much time with my family. We've spent these school-less days laying in bed, watching Amazing Wedding Cakes and other cake shows. I know it sounds random, but you have no idea how wonderful it is to see some edible art. Fondant is possibly my favorite invention ever.
I've also been playing tons of Sims 3: World Adventures. I'm pretty much addicted to the Sims, I admit. I need help.
The spirit of Christmas still isn't quite gone from my home. Our tree is still up, a few lingering presents remain. The stockings are still hung, and my dad is still playing the Christmas music. This is the way things should be. Jesus didn't just come for the month of December. He came for all of time. Every day is another day to celebrate His being born.
Tomorrow, though, is New Year's Eve. When the clock strikes twelve, a few different things will happen.
1. The huge ball in New York City will drop.
2. Fireworks will go off.
3. Champagne will be drunk.
4. It will be the end of 2009, and the beginning of 2010.
This isn't just the end of a year, but the end of a decade. Last time this happened, I was three years old. People were convinced the world was going to end, and had I known about it, I would have certainly agreed with them. I'm just the sort to believe in the things that may never happen.
The end of a decade. So much has happened... Not just for me, but for America and this world.
Less than 10 years ago, the tragic event of 9/11 happened. People died, people cried. That day will forever be remembered as a day of fear and sadness.
Less than a year ago, the first African-American President ever was elected. For me, it was a day of celebration and happiness. It certainly did show that American racism is not what it used to be. Thank God for that.
In Flint, Don Williamson was impeached or resigned or something. Some were upset (I not being one of them), and I am sorry for you. But only harm came to us while he was in charge. So, yes. I rejoice.
So much has happened. Now it's the end of an era. When the ball drops, close your eyes and make a wish. A wish that these next ten years will be better than the last ones. A wish that Flint will brighten up, and the sorrow there is here will be extinguished.
A wish for a happier tomorrow.
With this, I must say goodbye. My aunt, uncle, and three cousins (Chad, Aubree, Megan) are joining us for a game night.
I love you guys. Seriously. I wouldn't be anywhere without my readers.
Have a Nice, Natural, Naturific (haha!), Neat, Necessary, Neighborly, Nerveless New Year.
And yes. I did take to the dictionary on this one.
Let it Glee.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Time of Waiting

I was thinking earlier today (this is new) and my mind was bouncing around a lot.
What's in those boxes by the door? And the presents under the tree? Will everybody like what I got them?
When will church be over? 
No. I wish I could say that sometimes we don't get bored with the idea of going to Church. Listening to a sermon doesn't always sound that appealing, I will be the last to admit. I love God so much, (don't get me wrong) but some days, we don't want to go.
What is it? Are we too tired? Too busy?
What are these, except excuses?
Advent (which I know ever-so-much about. Thank you, Catholic schools) is a time of waiting. A time of waiting for Jesus to be born.
He came in the humblest way I've ever heard: born of a girl my age in a stable. Yeah... No. It wasn't clean. As much as we wish it was, and make it out to be all beautiful and perfect, it wasn't. Mary was made to be the mother of God. Nobody besides her and select others understood that. It wasn't convenient for her, or Joseph.
But it was the way God intended. He wanted His son to have humble beginnings.
So every year, for the month of December, we wait. We wait for a little infant to be born in a stable of a virgin named Mary, who is about 13 years old.
Some people ask what the point is. He was already born, what's the point in waiting?
I don't think they understand, though. Which is the point of this whole post.
Advent is a time of waiting for the second coming. 
Ever heard of the rapture? No?!?
Jesus is coming back, some day. He's gonna take all His people into Heaven. We have to be ready. We have to make our hearts ready to leave at any time. This means living, and always saying what you need to say. Do what's important to you.
Laugh wholly.
Eat much.
Love fully.
At the same time, make sure you make the right choices. Don't let your want to live truly get in the way of your need to do what's right. What's right may or may not be following your heart, I've come to know. And I hate that. Really, I do. Following my heart is so me, and so romantic. I just want to do precisely what my heart's screaming at me to do half the time.
But we have to do what God needs us to do. Because we never know when He's coming.  If we're not ready, it's gonna be quite ugly for us.
Flint is a city that, I think, follows its heart. I love it here. Downtown is pretty romantic sometimes, and summer nights here make me smile with a sort of easy grace I absolutely adore. 
But sometimes we don't do things the holy way, or the way God intended. We do things the easy way. (I include myself in this because I too have found myself making that mistake). This isn't, I urge you to understand, always a bad thing. But once and a while God isn't speaking to your heart; man is.
That's okay. We have to be carnal sometimes.
Just be ready. Jesus is coming. This is not a drill. This is real.  As I said, He'll be coming at any time. For everybody. Flint too.
I'm ready. Are you?
Have a marvelous (hopefully I didn't already use that one) Monday.
Let it Glee.

Friday, December 11, 2009

12 Days 'til Christmas

I was sitting in Reading class today, trying to think of a good Christmas title. (Actually, I'm still in Reading class, just on a laptop.) I played around with songs, and the 12 Days of Christmas came to mind. Then reality suddenly struck. Only 12 days left. In 12 days, it'll be Christmas Eve. Schools will be out, stockings will be hung (by the chimney with care), and hopefully our tree will be up. I don't even have all my presents bought yet.
In just 12 days, my Savior will be born. In 12 days, Mary, the girl who was just about my age, will have her first child. We may be opening gifts and spending time with family, but I urge you not to forget: the greatest gift of all was already given. Our Redeemer, the one who saved us from sin itself, was already here. He will forever stay in the heart of His followers.
Yes, I'm talking about Jesus. Don't forget all He gave you, because it was, in fact, everything He had.
*sighs* Solo & Ensemble ended. WE GOT A ONE. So the next step? Playing our song. At the Christmas concert. In front of about 350 people. Fun! My nerves are actually pretty low-key. We know the song. And after all, when Christmas comes, it's not going to matter how well we did at Solo & Ensemble.
I'm jumping around a lot in this blog, I am fully aware. A lot has happened, admittedly. But it feels nice. I've accomplished a lot. I'm trying to cover everything I can before this class ends.
Oh! Flint happenings.. hmmm....
Well, a while back I talked about Luigi's pizza place, right? Well, my AMAZING brother plays basketball, on a team sponsored by Luigi's. They're playing Saturday. I'll be there.
Have a funky (haha I swore to my mom I would NEVER use that word) Friday.
Let it Glee!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Remember December

Ah, December.... It's a time of bitter winds, freezing cold, warmer fires, and chaos. I personally love the month, but also hate the stress that it insists on bringing...
Tomorrow, I'm doing something I really don't want to do. I'm doing it for myself, and my friends Alysia and Olivia. I'm performing at Northbranch, their annual event called "Solo and Ensemble". Most of all, I'm doing this for my grade. The thing is, I'll fail if I don't. Somehow, a few kids got out of it. Whatever to them. We had two weeks to prepare our song. And we sound beast. Just saying: If anyone from Northbranch is reading this, please feel free to cancel your event in future years.
Flint's tree-lighting ceremony was the other night. Sadly, I did not attend, but heard there were carriages and other cool stuff. I only didn't go because 1) I had Philharmonia and 2) didn't know about it until the carriages were driving away. Oh well.
Life has been busy. Things are getting busier. This weekend is the major mountain I'm working on tackling. I still have to finish my Knights of Columbus poster... Another thing I don't really want to do. I rock at procrastination. (=
Preparing for the break has been nice, only two weeks left. I'm reading in the Mass on Tuesday at my school, reading the 1st reading actually... You can pretty much say it's a fun time. Missing class for practice for Mass? Yes, please.
I can't write long today... I really do need to do this more often.
I love you all.
Have a supreme Saturday.
Let it Glee.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving isn't That Hard to Do

A few people have informed me that they think facebook has overtaken my blog. I am THRILLED to inform you that this is not so. I still thoroughly plan on blogging as often as possible, however, with Christmas approaching, it’s getting busier and busier.
Yes, Christmas. I said it. CHRISTmas. Jesus is the reason for the season. I don’t know who all’s reading this right now. You may or may not all be Christians. It doesn’t matter to me from a writer-reader point of view. But it does as a Christian-nonbeliever point of view. Please, just remember: Jesus loves you more than anyone. He would die for you. And he did.
Allow me to explain the title of this post quickly and painlessly: be thankful and give what you have to those who need it. Some people really don't have enough.
As this holiday season approaches, food is certainly emphasized quite a bit. Who can blame us? We LOVE food! I love food. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me, almost. But for some, this huge emphasis on food must be like rubbing it in their faces. Some families are not as lucky. Please, donate food or money to those who truly need it. Make someone else’s Thanksgiving or Christmas special.
Speaking of which…
I’m going to talk a bit about my Thanksgiving, so if you simply don’t care, feel free to skip to the next paragraph. I’ve always seen Thanksgiving as a very depressing holiday. You see, there is no chocolate on Thanksgiving. On every holiday, there is chocolate. And none are as epic fail-y as Thanksgiving because of the lack of chocolate. So this year, I decided to do something a bit different. I’m making chocolate cheesecake for Thanksgiving! I think it’s a wonderful contribution, personally. And I am excited to make it. Fun times, fun times.
Anyway, in the days ahead, be thankful. That is, after all, what Thanksgiving’s all about.
Have a willing Wednesday.
Let it Glee. 

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Little Hope

Alright, guys. I had to write a poem for Social Studies class. I'll be turning it in tomorrow, but I wanted to post it. I wrote this in about 10 minutes:
Words spill out across this page
Placing hope in newborn rage.
My escape, my guilty pleasure
Rushed at once, not measure by measure.
Pen and paper is the cure
Of the emotions I endure.
Every hardship is defined
With simple tools and an able mind.
Writing is boundless, that's the way
I write new things every day.
Joy and grief, romance and doom
All included in stories that loom
Over us like stars so bright-
Bits of hope on a dreary night.

What do you think? I guess I can write poetry.
Sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER. Hope you liked my poem!
Have a ticklish Tuesday. (HA! wow I really went out there on this one...)
Let it Glee.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Let's Light up this City

Flint has been made out to be many things, good not normally turning out to be one of them. I love it here, but still understand where people are coming from. Yes, there is crime. Yes, there is fighting and pain and killings. 
But- isn't that everywhere? 
Just because Flint has had more publicity for its crime rate, does that make it worse than all the other places?
Don't answer that. Just think it through.
People can fix Flint, if they really think there's something to be fixed. Most likely, they're the problem. I don't say things like, "OMG, the people in Flint are so terrible." Because, its about time people realized that they're not. And the ones that think we are are really the problem!!
We can light up this city. We can show people that we're not as cruel as they think we are. We can proudly say, "Yeah, I'm from Flint. And yeah. I like it there." Just make sure its true.
Something I've been living by a lot lately is "the glass is half full." If you keep a positive outlook, things you see will be positive. 
Remember that.
Sorry I didn't post at all this week, things are getting really busy.
I still love you guys, don't worry.
Have a freaky Friday.
Let it Glee.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The 13th Year

This week, (technically yesterday), I turned 13. Thank goodness. I'm finally done with those dramatic preteen years and get to move on to those dramatic teen years. A lot has happened, so let me fill you in:
Friday, I went dress-shopping with my dad. I got this gorgeous purple dress with layers and this sweet silver necklace. I also got fluffy black earrings from Forever 21. Getting a dress for my birthday is a tradition my father and I have, and truly one of my favorites.
Saturday morning, I rolled out of bed at like 7, unable to sleep any longer. I'm still that little 5-year-old who runs out of bed and goes downstairs to see the presents on Christmas Day. I got a CHI pro hair dryer (which I wanted) and a sweet Conair straightener which I also wanted. I also got a Webkinz, which I need so I can, one day, give my account to my children. Also: a facebook. Life is good.
A while later, my old friends from Ohio came down for my birthday and they hung out for a little while. They got me Sing It! for the wii, which I've been wanting, and also Sing It! Pop Version for the Wii, which is just a higher version. They brought extremely fabulous cake and themselves. I love them so much, they seriously rock. I miss them, and am hoping we get to get together as we always do for New Year's.
After they left, I went shopping with my mom at some of my favorite stores.
Including Middle Earth, where I got: cupcake band-aids (YES!), one of those cool head-massagers, Fudge Flies, Emergency chocolate, and a passion stone.
Yes, a passion stone. I'm a passionate person; I fight for what I want and feel for what I don't. Every emotion I have is probably tossed out of whack somehow by my passion. Oh well. After a while, you grow used to it.
Then today, I had my family party, where everybody brought presents (AMAZING PRESENTS) and Chad brought cake. Chad is my cousin, by the way. He works at this ice cream place... Brought me some ice cream cake. It was truly divine.
Thank you guys for the gifts and your support on this blog and life.
Almost forgot to mention. Last night (was it really only last night?) there was a dance. Now I'm happy. I love dances. Please connect the dots, I'm terrible at spelling it out for you. This was my first dance, by the way. So yeah. I'm extremely into them right now.
And for Flint happenings...
As usual, the Flint clean-up trucks are coming around to pick up your leaves out of the street. This is happening any day now, so rake your leaves into the street, people! Just because nobody enjoys raking snow-caked leaves.
That's all for now.
Thanks again to anyone who wished me a happy birthday, or made my day special.
That means you.
I love you all sooooo much!
Let it Glee.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

When Pigs Fly

A while back, people like me were obsessed with this saying: "People once said a black man would be President when pigs fly. One month into Obama's presidency, swine flew."
Yes, I am fully aware that this is the cheesiest saying you've ever heard. Calm down. It's one of my favorites for a few reasons. Number one, I adore play on words. Like, when you use homophones or homographs or whatever. They're the cleverest things ever to me. Secondly, I had been waiting forever for Obama to get sworn in. This was because I think the best President needs to be one who's been spoken out against. One who's faced injustice.
This could be anyone who's treated unfair because of their race, religion, etc. I absolutely adore people who are different. I'm so biased toward them, it's not even funny. That's why I stand where I do on the whole "Twilight" episode. I'm hoping this passes, to be honest. The books were good, though.
I'm getting off track. That's a whole nother post.
I was talking about Obama. Whoops. That's strange, since this post was supposed to be about swine flu.
Anyway, to finish up on Obama (I don't do things halfway), he is amazing. I'm so glad he won, instead of that *shudders* other woman. I'm a die-hard, knock-you-off-your-feet, sway you with the facts Democrat. Sorry, Republican readers, but I love saying it. Standards? LOVE IT! Obama? LOVE HIM! The other people (Palin, Hillary *shudders*)? Not so much.
Getting back to swine...
People are so sick at our school. Even I've been dealing with coughing and stuff. (Though for me, it's just my allergies). Three of my friends have been out all week so far, and they even had a long weekend to heal up. I'm starting to get concerned they really do have swine, and I haven't just been saying that to be annoying. Two of three of them aren't sure... One of three of them I haven't investigated enough...
I miss them all so much. They need to all come back and give me five good reasons they chose this week to be sick.
So, anyway, wash your hands, use lots of sanitizer, and do all the stuff I normally tune out but already do out of habit.
I have to finish up here.
Sorry it was such an outspoken post. If you didn't like it, don't worry. But don't write me mean comments. Because I cannot be swayed. I'm like a stubborn mule when it comes to this. Except, you know, kind of smarter than your average mule, and don't have four legs (I promise, ask my mom), and don't necessarily enjoy eating out of people's hands. But if you wash them, assuring me I won't get swine, it will definitely be more tempting.
Have a wishful Wednesday!
And, as always,
Let it Glee.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Haunted Halloween

First I'm going to clear up something really quick: I got in to Philharmonia!!! Yes, I am thrilled. However, upon arrival, I learned very many things. The first unpleasant surprise is I would be playing with sharps; not flats, since it's an orchestra. I'm not fabulous with any sharps, excepting F#. The second is the first concert is December 13th. So, I have approximately five practices until a concert. The third was all of the songs are way above my level. Fabulous.
Yesterday, I practiced for a half hour and ended up feeling like I got nowhere. Anyway, I think I should probably move on in this post...
Guess what guys?!?!? Today's Halloween! I'm going Trick-or-Treating (who doesn't love candy?) with  my cousin and my brother. Probably my dad too. I'm excited, but unfortunately I'm sick. It doesn't really matter, I'm going anyway. I mean, Halloween does only come once a year.
I know everyone says this, but have a safe Halloween. Don't go into any houses, never know what kind of creeper is inside. Not to sound paranoid.
Now: Go get yourself bags of candy, enough to last until next Halloween, or you will be severely lacking. I certainly wasn't. I swear, I had enough candy until last week. It was awesome! Just in time for Halloween, too.
I love my readers, you know that.
Have a Wicked Halloween.
Let it Glee.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Penny for Your Thoughts

Last night was the Halloween Dance, and I am thrilled to say that I had so much fun! It was a great party, and my friends rock. That's all, they made it for me. Plus: I had three cupcakes, all of them fabulous! You're probably saying "ah, that's why she's not in school! Poor thing is sick!" No. I can handle chocolate, I promise. Chocolate cannot make me sick unless I completely eat all of it. LOL have never gotten quite that much, though. But anyway... They played good music last night, which was cool! I got me some Taylor Swift, and of course, Thriller. The spook house was also good, though the line was a tad slow-moving.
Moving on from the dance...
School's been good this week. Yes, this week was only three days, but there was the first semester! I'm gonna miss it when June comes, I can already tell. This year is my year. I love 7th grade. Monday was just your average school day, Tuesday was a field trip to a Mass in Lansing, and Wednesday was our Halloween party all day. Then I got to come home and get ready for another Halloween party back at the school, to which I stayed until 8:30. Such a laid-back week.
Today I'm at home while my teachers are at a workshop. I slept in until 9:30 on a Thursday. You cannot imagine how fabulous it feels. All day, I've been sitting around watching TV. Then I went on youtube and listened to Taylor Swift's new song. Jump Then Fall. It relaxed me. Check it out. 
For Flint happenings... Let's talk Philharmonia! I think that's how you spell it. I hope. I'm trying out today. I play clarinet, and am praying I get in. Seeing as, you know, my friends did and all. Yes, Im nervous, but I'll explain why.
Philharmonia is a Flint Youth Band thing. I don't know that much about it, as you can see. But I;m expecting it to be fun. My friend Katie said last year the band went to Chicago. I'm dying to get in, seeing as I decided volleyball was not for me. I love things like this, where I apply my skill (how modest am I?) to  do something with my friends.
Say a little prayer for me tonight, or think of me. Something. I'll be trying out tonight, though I don't remember the time.
Hope you enjoyed this post.
Have a th____ (fill in the blank in my comment box if you think of as "th" adjective) Thursday.
Let it Glee.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And THAT Idea went out the Window!

I was going to ride the bus, see. I'm only going to name the people who have given me license to, but here goes nothing. I was going to ride a bus with Olivia and Katie and other unnamed people. Because I don't remember if TJ rides their bus or not. Then I found out that I wouldn't be on their bus. This was automatically a huge disappointment, and if you know me, you know why.
If you don't, allow me to explain. I'm the sort of person who gets all their hopes up with a single idea. And, most the time, as the title of this post suggests, the ideas are tossed out the window sooner or later. Either way, I wanted to ride that bus. Moving on...
Halloween is just five days away. I'm excited this year... I have a really pretty yellow dress I'm wearing but can't wear to school, and an awesome black masquerade mask, and I'm set. My cousin Janelle still doesn't know what she's being, which would normally be perfectly fine except for the fact that I won't let her go costume-less.
I'm pretty sure there's nothing new in Flint right now, actually. Well, at least, nothing I've attended. I get busy around the holidays. All of them. I get distracted. Therefore, I don't do as many Flint things. See how that works? I have to go, my mom's gonna come down in a minute ready to leave, and I still have stuff to do.
Have a truthful Tuesday (DON'T LIE!) and
Let it Glee.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Pumpkin Story

Let me explain the title. I'm with my amazing cousin, Janelle. We just got our pumpkins!!! Yes: Halloween is less than a week away. What am I? I'm being a masqueradette. If you don't know what that is, it's one of those cool people in the pretty dresses and fancy masks. Hopefully, Janelle will be being a masqueradette with me.
Janelle and Colton decided to name their pumpkins Teddy Lupin and Autumn. Autumn? Fitting. Teddy Lupin? Not so much. Anyways, their pumpkins are besties (pronounced beastiis, according to Janelle). Just like me and my cousin.
For those of you who were wondering, I am going to be Trick-or-Treating IN FLINT. Ooooh, risky! Not really. Trust me, it's what I've been saying all along. It's all good in the hood.
Sorry I haven't blogged in so long. Life is busy.
Have a spectacular Sunday, hope its as great as mine.
Jazz hands.
Spirit Fingers.
(These additions were of suggestions from Janelle. She rocks my socks.)
Let it Glee.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

They zapped ZAP!

For those of you who don't know what ZAP! is, I'll do the shortest possible explanation.
ZAP! is a game. Somebody else writes three things on your hand: two on the back, one on the inside. On the back, they write ZAP! and a time within the school day. On the inside, they write someone's name. If you look at the name before the time, you have to ask out the name.
Good game, right? Whoever thought of it is brilliant. *laughs* Never mind. Anyway, we played all of two days ago, and then until the end of the day yesterday. Then it got banned. Apparently people were complaining. Okay. Whatever. They can zap ZAP!. It's fine.
Well, I was sad, actually. It was so short lived... And now? What are we supposed to play? LOL I love my school. My friends seriously make me laugh so hard. I love you, guys.
Well, on a happier note, let's talk about Flint, shall we?
Farmers' Market. We have the number one Farmers' Market in the USA, and possibly the world. Insane, no? I'm so proud of our Farmers' Market. It's awesome- they sell ice cream there! Oh yeah, and food. I  short, I still love Flint. Nothing new.
If you're reading from a different school, don't zap ZAP!
Have a wistful Wednesday. (Yes, contemplate quietly throughout the day.)
Let it Glee.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ragtime Playing in the Background...

Behind every face you see is a story.
If I told you Coalhouse Walker was shot dead, you wouldn't know what to make of it, would you?
What if I told you he was in love? He loved Sara? And they had a son? He was shot because he retaliated to the people who killed his love. And because he was black.
I saw Ragtime today. It was beautifully sad and terribly amazing. It changed perspective, you know? So many people are racially clustered because they're black. (I use the word "black" not because I'm a racist jerk, but because it's simpler to understand for me to understand than African-American. Don't ask why.)
I suspect about half or more of Flint's population is black. I love it. We are racially diverse. And I've grown up with African-Americans. They are just like you and I. Not that ANYONE ever said they weren't.
But Ragtime changed the way I see it. We need to stop judging people because of their outward appearance. Now.
May the story of Coalhouse and Sara remind us of that. Look it up. Read it. It might just enthrall you as it has done me.
Have a superb Sunday.
Let it Glee.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

Last night, I went to go see Where the Wild Things Are. Let me just say that I did not understand it one bit. It may be the fact that I, like Hermione Granger, am extremely narrow-minded. Or maybe it's just that it's a slightly ridiculous movie.
It sounds like I'm slamming the movie, I know. Trust me, I'm not. I love the story line (though I didn't REALLY get it) and the characters kind of reminded me of my friends.
But I am so not dedicating an entire post to this movie.
People say Flint citizens are bad people. Not true. Sometimes, though, we are wild. That's important. In the movie, the "wild things" weren't bad, just wild. Like me. Well, not really. I'm actually normally pretty sane. I wish I was wild, though. It would make my blog much more interesting.
Don't consider the murderers and thieves of Flint bad people. They're not bad. They're wild. And maybe, once or twice, they did a bad thing. Haven't you? Maybe you haven't killed someone or stolen a laptop (or maybe you have, I don't know who all's reading this) but I'm sure you've done bad things. It can be something as simple as saying "Oh my God." Not the best choice of words.
I'm not slamming you either. I'm just saying: All sins are equal in God's book. Just like all the people he sees are equals.
And, of course,
Let it Glee.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time to Stop Waiting

"We'll keep on waiting-waiting, waiting on the world to change."
No. We've waited long enough. I've seen the crime (okay, well, I guess one police chase doesn't count) of Flint. And the question I repeatedly come back to is "why?" Why do these problems even exist? Could it possibly be someone-other than the government's'- fault? Is there a person we came blame this on?
Well, yes. This whole thing was started by Michael Moore, thank you very much. We didn't need you to make us all look like complete bad people. (I know, great insult, isn't it?)
HOWEVER. As much as he may have exaggerated, we still do have problems. I'll be the first to admit it. Hey, I have lots of problems of my own. And when people have problems, it normally adds up to bigger problems. As in being somewhere around the third highest crime rate in the world, or something like that.

Time to get off the couch and start making a change. We've spent too much time doing absolutely nothing. I don't mean hold rallies for peace and things like that (though if you want to do that, it'd be so fun. Count me in). Just make a difference in one person's day. A smile now and then. "Hey, what's up?" That sort of stuff. Making others happy makes you a happier person in the long run. Take it from someone who knows.
I'm updating from English class right now. And so I'm giving shoutouts to people in my class.

Shoutout to: Ron, Lily, Tyrone, Casey, Josh, Tahirah, Charbrielle, Taylor, and anybody I missed that wants one. Let me know. We'll see.
Don't fake your way through life. Live. Don't Forget.
And Josh says that you all need to listen to Guns & Roses.
Let it Glee.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Vanilla Twilight

No, not the books. The song. Owl City. Listen and love.
This is my cousin's interpretation, which I felt the need to publish. Here we go...
"Drenched in vanilla twilight" = "Drenched infers that its beyond wet, beyond misted, beyond moist. Completely waterlogged. Beyond wet. The term vanilla twilight is almost like an oxymoron, because twilight occurs at the darkest time of night. So vanilla twilight is saying something is unusual, foreign, and different. This means Adam Young is singing about being uncomfortable, in a different sitaution."
"I'll sit on my front porch all night," = "Adam is feeling exposed. Your front porch is where everyone can see you, by just driving by."
"waist deep in thought," = "represents how thoughts about his significant other almost paralyze him, immobilize him, even. As though he's unable to rescure himself and has no intentions of turning back to how things used to be."
"because when I think of you, I don't feel so alone." = "self-explanatory. Couldn't have said it better myself."
My cousin is BRILLIANT. We're both sort of over-analyzers. And as we've both said many times, we're so alike in other ways as well its creepy.
Also: Zombiewalk in Flint today. Yes, I attended. Yay for cute zombies, nay on dusgusting fake blood. No thanks.
That's all for the moment.
Have a splendid Saturday.
Let it Glee.

We've got the POWERS

I went to a Powers Catholic High School football game last night. It was so fun, we won 21-7, I think. 
Powers Games aren't really my favorite thing to watch. I much prefer walking around with my AMAZING friends. Doing that for about three hours is PRECISELY my cup of tea. 
School has been going good, actually. Somehow, I find fun in EVERY class. Most the time, anyway. 
We won our game today! It was great, 36-11. I did this awesome thing and shot a basket for the other team. YES! Who doesn't love that? 
My family's in from Chicago right now, so this is going to be rather short this time. 
On Miley deleting twitter: I'm gonna go with NO. Why, Miley? Dedicated fans like me love her tweets. Well, maybe she'll come back. 
That's all for now. 
Let it Glee. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Life's What You Make It

I am quite aware that the title of my post today is the same as a Hannah Montana song. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.
I've moved on from the note scandal, so I might as well just drop it. Instead, I'm going to take this time to thank the people who told me IN PERSON that they are going to read/already read my blog. Especially if you told me you like it. Today, I'm pretty sure that amounts to two or maybe three people. So thanks, it's a new daily record.
In Flint, there's this thing I love called Little Caesar's Customer Appreciation Day. It is my favorite day of the week, why? Because I get Little Caesar's Pizza. However, it is in fact a chain, and should probably shoot for something more original for today's blog.
Another fantastic pizza place is Luigi's, or El Toro's. This one, I'm almost positive, is not a chain. It is locally owned by one of my mom's friends, and doubles as a Bar as well. But that's not what I go there for. I go there to hang out with friends and family, eat good and decently-priced food, and just relax. If you're ever in Flint, I definitely recommend checking it out.
GLEE'S ON TONIGHT. I will, hopefully, watch it after my game. Watch it and bask in its amazingness. Since, you know, amazingness is a word and all.
Picture Day went well. I smiled pretty. I think.
My readers rock my socks. And yes, I am weird, thanks for asking.
Let it Glee.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Just Thinking

There's been so much on my mind lately. Starting probably with my current rant on notes.
Notes (yes notes. The kind you pass across the classroom, hoping and praying they don't get read by the wrong people) are sort of my "thing". If I had to describe my favorite thing about the day, I would have to say Math. When I can...
A) Talk to my friends. This is very important, so I won't have to resort to B, which is...
B) Passing notes.
If I know the material, this is strictly necessary.
Trust me, I am not an inconsiderate person. I would NEVER pass a note to someone who didn't have their assignment done or didn't know what the heck we were talking about in class. But sometimes... *yawn* it gets a bit, I don't know, tiresome. That concludes my rant on notes.
Moving on...
I guess the next order of business is my friends. I love them to freaking death. They seriously make me the happiest girl alive. And of course, it helps when- oh wait. I'm not going to go into that bit on this blog. You'll just have to wait.
Basketball practice is bothersome, as usual. Fun, right? What's better than practice from 3:00 to 5:00? Well, a lot of things. Split Pea Soup being one of them. If somebody reading didn't know, Split Pea Soup is the worst food in  the world. It's a proven fact. No offense to anyone who likes it, of course. I suggest going to your doctor and getting those taste buds checked.
Picture Day tomorrow! I am going to look awesome! Just wait, if you know me. I picked out my outfit a week ago. My hair's gonna look so sweet too. Oh, how I love picture day. It's the one day a year you get to dress up and look adorable for school with absolutely no occasion. Well, it is if you go to a Dress Code school, like I do.
I'm pretty sure that's it for right now.
You want to read about Flint. Fine, then. I have to think of something new.
I think I'm going to talk about my favorite radio station, 105.5
U know what would be really cool? If they mentioned me on their radio station. Just listen to them. They're sweet. They play the best music ever.
I have to go. Eating and typing is harder than one might think.
Hope you had a toony (means animated, I just invented it) Tuesday, and have a Wacky Wednesday, too.
I love you all, especially you.
Let it Glee.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Time of my Life

No lie, I'm having the time of my life. I'm busy, of course, but it's certainly worth it. And I'm sorry I haven't posted in a couple days, the brother has been hogging the computer. *glares*
Since the last time I posted, a lot has happened.
Friday, I went to my gorgeous cousin's homecoming, hoping, praying, even, that she would be crowned Queen. Yes, she was on the Court. Yes, her dress was beautiful. Yes, she herself was beautiful. But, no, she didn't win. It was terrible. We had so much hope, and it didn't turn out this time. The world will move on. Plus, I got to go to a really sweet parade and get candy chucked at me just for yelling. What's better than that?
Saturday morning I had another game, which we lost by 1. That kind of sucked. I was really mad, but it was okay. Hard team, you know? But we played good, did the right thing, and got tons of fouls. After that, I went to my awesome friend's house and hung out there. She has a sweet house. I played Halo for the second time ever and discovered I am absolutely dreadful.
Also: OMG STATE WON! Believe it or not, I don't hate Michigan, just was born a State fan. My mom went there, so I have good reason. Just gotta say: U of M has a better campus. Way more stores, you see.
After all that, I went to a concert last night with my awesome OTHER cousin (whose twitter is and got to sponsor a child! Josephine from Uganda is now a member of my family. We're sponsoring her for just $32 a month, and we get to change her life. How amazing is that?
Right now, I'm craving some Donna's Donuts, which is a local hot spot in Flint.  You just have to know where to go. They have the most amazing doughnuts I've ever tasted. My personal preference is double chocolate (of course). They even leave chocolate frosting in the middle so it like melts. Listen to me, raving about Flint doughnuts.. I think I'll leave it at that for the Flint info for today.
I almost forgot! I'm trying to get to a hundred followers on twitter! As of today, I had 91. So, follow me on twitter at
Let it Glee.
Have a Super Sunday. (Sorry, couldn't think of another "s" adjective.)
Let it Glee.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

TGIF- (almost)

So... Today. Kind of started really annoying, I'll say that much. Math was not fun. *smiles grimly* and that's saying something. But, I guess it ended alright.
I had fun after school to make up for it. Messing around (yes, in the halls and at practice) made it worth it. Messing around is another thing I sort of like to do. Practice was good, for a change, and I didn't come home disgustingly sweaty and sick. Yay! Don't you love it when that happens?
That's all for now. My sisterfriend is waiting to type her blog.
Make sure you check her out.
The link is
That girl can write.
HAGD (little shoutout to my aunt right there), and I'll blog more tomorrow.
Let it Glee.

Another Day, Another Dollar

I'm gonna give you a quick run-through of my day yesterday. First I woke up, went to school, (enjoyed Math. haha yes, definitely enjoyed it. Although we did have a test and a quiz. *shrugs* oh well...) then came home for my interview with channel 5 about THIS VERY BLOG. How cool is that? I mean, if you're reading this, thanks so much! Somehow, the news found out about it. And even more importantly, they liked it. So thank you.
After that, I went to my newly-seven year old Mexican amigo's birthday party. There was an awesome cake, and it looked EXACTLY like a lego person. It was insane. See, the amigo sort of loves legos. Oh, to be seven again.
Then, I went to my basketball game. Which was really, admittedly, hard. I worked harder than  I ever have before, at least in a game. We lost by about fifteen, but it was, (I think) the hardest team in our league.
I was thinking a lot yesterday. (Sorry for not posting, by the way. Now you know why.)
I've lost lots of family members. The one that left the deepest scar was my mom's father. (Grampy for short. Yes, I was that child with a nickname for everyone.) He drowned at the YMCa.
So much for lifeguards.
Anyway, what lead me to think about this was the woman found dead in a river near Au Grey. (Sorry if that's spelled wrong, I'm working on my French.) I can imagine how absolutely heartbroken her family must be, because one of two options happened.
1. She committed suicide.
2. She was killed.
Okay, so I'm a bit dramatic. Sue me.
Alright, well, what I've been trying to say this whole time is this:
I feel for the family, if you're reading this. I hope you're doing alright.
Hope you had a wicked Wednesday.
Let it Glee.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

School? NOT COOL!

Well, not my best day. In short, it started kinda crappy with my mom being sick (I love you mom) but I actually thought it might be cool since I got a ride with my friends. One of them, like, one of the funniest people I know. So that bit was fun... Then I got to school and things started going wrong. I'm going to make this short and hopefully painless.
Me and my other friend were sort of in a.. disagreement. I talked to her, amde sure she's not mad at me, but was left with a sort of sick taste in my mouth. Thing's can't be the way they were before the argument, apparently. Everything else was kinda boring, as usual, except for Math.
I'm not a math nerd, you must understand that. But I seriously love that class. Or, more directly, the people in it. My math class is fun because passing notes is sort of my thing. And I'm sitting right next to this one person. I'll leave it at that.
Okay, so one good class. The rest of the day was pretty much crap comparatively. I got NOTHING done in band, because of lame team pictures. (Yes, I play basketball, but I'm not a sports addict either.) Basketball practice was tough, as usual, but we get tomorrow off because we have a game! Yay! Haha or should I say "Nay!" Games are better than practices, though, I must admit.
Now's the part of my blog where I sit in the grey computer chair and ponder.
If anyone's out there, why do you care about my life? Isn't this supposed to be about Flint?
Of course it is. And that's why I'll have this short paragraph really quick.
I heard of a boy who was killed the other day in a shooting, and a woman who was found drowned in a river. I heard on the radio, and you must keep their families in their prayers. I'm so grateful to be alive, and be living in a much safer part of Flint. I love my city, as I've said before.
What a Tuesday.
Let it Glee.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Me. In general.

I'm twelve, going on thirteen this November. I live in one of the safer areas in Flint, and love my city. I know my way around pretty well, and I can honestly say that I would never live anywhere else. Well, maybe California. Malibu is beautiful. So is New York. Hmmm... Not that I've ever been to either one.
I'd like to, though.
If you're here to hear me talk about the crime rate and how much Flint is evil and terrible, you might as well clear out now. I'm dead serious. See that little X in the corner? Yeah. Move your mouse and click it. Because I love Flint.
I don't promise that every blog post will be about Flint. Believe it or not, my whole life is not about how awesome my city is. I have a real life. Friends, family, and the balancing act called everything else makes up most of my life.
I believe in lots of things. I'll make a list for you, don't worry.
1. I believe in the one true God, and attend Church on a regular basis. I'm a Christian, but in no way plan on preaching every blog. I'll make it simple. You want happiness? John 3:16. Too lazy? Oh darn. Well, sin-minus-forgiveness=HELL. Keep that in mind.
2. I believe in love. Love at first sight, (or if you're blind, love at first sound), and that love is really the only thing that can make a person that ecstatic. Am I in love? Good question.
3. I am 100% not homophobic. In fact, one of my favorite characters in GLEE is Kurt. He's fabulous!
4. Good food is the best medicine. And the best food (Little Caesar's Pizza) is the bestest medicine of all.
5. Nobody can make you laugh like a friend can. Especially your best friend. Mine is like a sister, and I love her to death. And, really, why wouldn't you laugh?
I think... Yes, that's all for now. I love my readers. You guys rock.