Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Splashes of Color

The world, to some, is a rather bleak place. Nothing appears bright. In fact, some may say the world is basically shades of grey.
Needless to say, I disagree.
There's this little line that I love, which I made up a few years ago. Or maybe I saw it somewhere and it got locked in my subconscious. But I'm fairly certain I invented it.
"You are a splash of color in a black and white world."
The world isn't really shades of grey. Or rather, the people certainly aren't.

There are people in the world that make you see red. Admit it; though the emotion isn't positive towards them, when you see this person, this distinct anger rises up in you. Sometimes it's not even anger that red symbolizes, but rather passion.

There are others that make you feel blue. In this sense, blue is the opposite of red. They calm you, and they're the ones you trust the most. I certainly have people in my life that act most often as calmers. When I really need a friend, I'll go to my true blues. They never fail.

Some people are green. Green is relaxed. This is subtly different from blue - blue calms your emotions, green rather changes them. If you're angry, they say something to relax you. They take your happiness and merely make you chill.

Yellow people are happy. Yellow is naturally such a joyous color. Just seeing it makes you happy. I have perhaps three people in my life that I honestly just have to look at to be thrilled. These people are my distinct yellows.

What can I say about orange? Orange is motivating. People that inspire and push you to be more than your best, always. I could probably name ten of those off the top of my head, but I won't, soas to protect their identities.

Every single person you meet throughout your day is a bit of color. Some colors you like. Others you can't stand. All are beautiful, in a way.
Together, the world is like one big painting.

What color are you?

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