Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Deepest Apologies and Everything New

Oh my goodness. I'm SO sorry. You guys... I never meant to go this long without blogging, I swear. There's been a lot going this summer, but I'll be sure to tell you everything I remember right now.
Witherbee's Market opened up. Go there. It's new, right in downtown Flint, and adorable. I love it, and it seriously beats any other grocery store vie ever been to.
Seriously. It's legit.
I went, for a change of pace, to Toronto, Canada. Well, kind of. My dad's FANTASTIC company paid for our room. But I love Canada. It was fabulous, and fantastic, and beautiful. I saw the Harry Potter exhibit three, which was inspiring and NEARLY brought me to tears. If you didn't know, I love Harry Potter. It was just perfect.
Everything was in Toronto. We stayed in the Park-Hyatt, with Jan3elle, and had all sorts of fun. I burned through about 100 dollars, which were made at my new job.
I work for my glowing Aunt, and I am a very lucky and happy employee. I learn something new every day. I've painted spindles on staircases, made Middle Eastern dolma. I've gotten to work with my cousins, and meet many admirable helpers.
Plus, my aunt isn't just glowing-- she's glowing with pregnancy! Twins are on the way, which I'm overly enthusiastic about. A boy and a girl. I put together their baby furniture. Their mama said I can go to the hospital when they'll be born, which is a first for me.
I've bought a dozen books on, and am waiting for ten in the mail. I've read a lot in the past week.
I'm deeply sorry, once again, for the long break in my posts. This week, I'm at chef camp, and today was fried foods day. We made corn dogs, and elephant ears. I love Bases Camp, the facility. It's great there.
I love you all.
Sorry. Sorry sorry sorry.
Have a wacky Wednesday.
Let it Glee.