Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Sweetest Feeling I've Ever Known

Relief. I'll just say it there. The best feeling in the world, perhaps outside love, is relief.
That moment when I know that everything will be okay, and I can breathe again, because I did my HH project and I didn't die.
The feeling when I just sigh and think "Oh, I have nothing to worry about for the rest of today.
This has been enlightening. It has taught me many things, and not all of them have to do with weird religions.
1. I need to calm down. I'll be fine. The world will not end if I do not cry over a project every night.
2. People will still respect me. They'd still talk to me. Even if I bombed. (Which, note, I did not do.)
3. Ambition is not a sin. There are people with ambitions like mine. Many overachieve like I do.
4. If I focus, I can literally do anything.
5. Be kind. People will be kind to you and respect you during your presentation if you do the same for them.
Guys, the relief after a project like this was a blast of fresh air. It's indescribable.

I wonder if some people get that feeling ever.
Some people don't have a home to go to where they can unload on their family and be so ecstatic and relieved.
Rather, they are worried to go home and stressed on the way there. School is their haven.
I think if my world was that intense, that empty of relief, I wouldn't turn out well.
Normally the people you hear of going around killing people didn't have a happy life.
They never had the sweet feeling of not having to worry about anything for just one day.
And honestly?
If you think about all the tension and worry they have bottled up, you might not blame them for walking around in a paranoid manner all the time.
It's not a happy world.
Maybe this is why I cut these criminals so much slack. There's something in them that makes their world a scary place to live.
If you were living in your own Hell on earth, admit it or not, you may not be so nice yourself.
I sure wouldn't be.
So, scattered as the point I'm trying to get across is, it remains.
There is reasoning behind why people do the things that they do.
It may not be obvious, or bright and shiny, but it is always, always there.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

10-Letter Word for Busy

Homecoming. That's H-O-M-
You get the drift.
Admittedly, I've been very, very neglectful. And I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, as my to-do list grows longer, my days grow shorter.
Drat. My time to write dwindles. This is the first writing for fun I've done basically since my last post.
Needless, to say, I've grown desperate. One outlet, any outlet. Today I started writing on the back of a test I had finished. Everyone else sitting, working on their stick figures. Not Isi. She's working on some novel-esque note.

Desperate indeed.

Let me tell you a little bit about my week.
Monday- pajama day. Warm and happy. I matched EVERYTHING like the superdork I am. Same day, I went to the eye doctor, who told me I couldn't wear contacts all week, as my eyes were screwed.
As if that could happen.
Also, band practice. Little much.

Tuesday was twin day. I was twins with Jacquie, and that was a blast. Worked on homework till the cows came home.

Wednesday? Service day. Went back to middle school and did things there. Finally got to see my old teachers, who I still miss nearly every day.
That was a half day. Went home, worked on homework until about 5.
Yes, you read that correctly. I did bits of my HH project as well. Saying it was overwhelming is like saying the ocean is a little damp.

Today was superstar day. I did not dress up, as I am superstar enough as is.
In my glasses.
Also, I had no costume, which may/may not have been the majority of the problem.

Tomorrow will be Friday. (Thank you, Rebecca Black.) I'm looking forward to it more than one could express.
It's not "school", persay. It's spirit day.
And I'm in the band.
Well what does this mean, you ask?
Two classes of rehearsal.
Early lunch.
Playing band songs marching down the hall to get our friends out of class.
Happiness, more or less. Spirit. Pep rally.
Oh yeah, and mass, as well as an earlier dismissal.
Days like tomorrow are good reminders of why I like life.

Saturday comes afterward, and that's the dance.
I'm nearly trembling with excitement.
Not that I have a date, but not that I care. That would be unnecessary and awkward. For the most part.

Until then, I have to write a paper on service day for my awesome theology teacher/ neighbor.
Fun class.

I do hope your week has been as lovely as mine.