Tuesday, September 29, 2009

School? NOT COOL!

Well, not my best day. In short, it started kinda crappy with my mom being sick (I love you mom) but I actually thought it might be cool since I got a ride with my friends. One of them, like, one of the funniest people I know. So that bit was fun... Then I got to school and things started going wrong. I'm going to make this short and hopefully painless.
Me and my other friend were sort of in a.. disagreement. I talked to her, amde sure she's not mad at me, but was left with a sort of sick taste in my mouth. Thing's can't be the way they were before the argument, apparently. Everything else was kinda boring, as usual, except for Math.
I'm not a math nerd, you must understand that. But I seriously love that class. Or, more directly, the people in it. My math class is fun because passing notes is sort of my thing. And I'm sitting right next to this one person. I'll leave it at that.
Okay, so one good class. The rest of the day was pretty much crap comparatively. I got NOTHING done in band, because of lame team pictures. (Yes, I play basketball, but I'm not a sports addict either.) Basketball practice was tough, as usual, but we get tomorrow off because we have a game! Yay! Haha or should I say "Nay!" Games are better than practices, though, I must admit.
Now's the part of my blog where I sit in the grey computer chair and ponder.
If anyone's out there, why do you care about my life? Isn't this supposed to be about Flint?
Of course it is. And that's why I'll have this short paragraph really quick.
I heard of a boy who was killed the other day in a shooting, and a woman who was found drowned in a river. I heard on the radio, and you must keep their families in their prayers. I'm so grateful to be alive, and be living in a much safer part of Flint. I love my city, as I've said before.
What a Tuesday.
Let it Glee.


  1. Yeah, prayers out to the grieving families....thanks for bringing it to our attention!

    A Huge Fan
    P.S. You might want to save the "best of the best" notes that are passed. One day you'll treasure them. I still have a few of mine from 30 years ago and they still make me smile.
