Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another Day, Another Dollar

I'm gonna give you a quick run-through of my day yesterday. First I woke up, went to school, (enjoyed Math. haha yes, definitely enjoyed it. Although we did have a test and a quiz. *shrugs* oh well...) then came home for my interview with channel 5 about THIS VERY BLOG. How cool is that? I mean, if you're reading this, thanks so much! Somehow, the news found out about it. And even more importantly, they liked it. So thank you.
After that, I went to my newly-seven year old Mexican amigo's birthday party. There was an awesome cake, and it looked EXACTLY like a lego person. It was insane. See, the amigo sort of loves legos. Oh, to be seven again.
Then, I went to my basketball game. Which was really, admittedly, hard. I worked harder than  I ever have before, at least in a game. We lost by about fifteen, but it was, (I think) the hardest team in our league.
I was thinking a lot yesterday. (Sorry for not posting, by the way. Now you know why.)
I've lost lots of family members. The one that left the deepest scar was my mom's father. (Grampy for short. Yes, I was that child with a nickname for everyone.) He drowned at the YMCa.
So much for lifeguards.
Anyway, what lead me to think about this was the woman found dead in a river near Au Grey. (Sorry if that's spelled wrong, I'm working on my French.) I can imagine how absolutely heartbroken her family must be, because one of two options happened.
1. She committed suicide.
2. She was killed.
Okay, so I'm a bit dramatic. Sue me.
Alright, well, what I've been trying to say this whole time is this:
I feel for the family, if you're reading this. I hope you're doing alright.
Hope you had a wicked Wednesday.
Let it Glee.

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