Saturday, October 10, 2009

Vanilla Twilight

No, not the books. The song. Owl City. Listen and love.
This is my cousin's interpretation, which I felt the need to publish. Here we go...
"Drenched in vanilla twilight" = "Drenched infers that its beyond wet, beyond misted, beyond moist. Completely waterlogged. Beyond wet. The term vanilla twilight is almost like an oxymoron, because twilight occurs at the darkest time of night. So vanilla twilight is saying something is unusual, foreign, and different. This means Adam Young is singing about being uncomfortable, in a different sitaution."
"I'll sit on my front porch all night," = "Adam is feeling exposed. Your front porch is where everyone can see you, by just driving by."
"waist deep in thought," = "represents how thoughts about his significant other almost paralyze him, immobilize him, even. As though he's unable to rescure himself and has no intentions of turning back to how things used to be."
"because when I think of you, I don't feel so alone." = "self-explanatory. Couldn't have said it better myself."
My cousin is BRILLIANT. We're both sort of over-analyzers. And as we've both said many times, we're so alike in other ways as well its creepy.
Also: Zombiewalk in Flint today. Yes, I attended. Yay for cute zombies, nay on dusgusting fake blood. No thanks.
That's all for the moment.
Have a splendid Saturday.
Let it Glee.


  1. Hey Isi cute.... I was to busy to go...

  2. I only like the books. Can't wait until Halloween. Still gotta find my costume. Any ideas? New Moon comes out on November 20th!!!!!!

  3. i love this song also its one of my favs from owl city =D
