Saturday, October 10, 2009

We've got the POWERS

I went to a Powers Catholic High School football game last night. It was so fun, we won 21-7, I think. 
Powers Games aren't really my favorite thing to watch. I much prefer walking around with my AMAZING friends. Doing that for about three hours is PRECISELY my cup of tea. 
School has been going good, actually. Somehow, I find fun in EVERY class. Most the time, anyway. 
We won our game today! It was great, 36-11. I did this awesome thing and shot a basket for the other team. YES! Who doesn't love that? 
My family's in from Chicago right now, so this is going to be rather short this time. 
On Miley deleting twitter: I'm gonna go with NO. Why, Miley? Dedicated fans like me love her tweets. Well, maybe she'll come back. 
That's all for now. 
Let it Glee. 


  1. See you in school Isi.

    SJV girl
    (7th grader of course.)

  2. Hey Isi what's up? How are you and your latest novels you are working on?
    See you in school.
    (By the way love the show Glee.)
    SJV girl
