Friday, December 11, 2009

12 Days 'til Christmas

I was sitting in Reading class today, trying to think of a good Christmas title. (Actually, I'm still in Reading class, just on a laptop.) I played around with songs, and the 12 Days of Christmas came to mind. Then reality suddenly struck. Only 12 days left. In 12 days, it'll be Christmas Eve. Schools will be out, stockings will be hung (by the chimney with care), and hopefully our tree will be up. I don't even have all my presents bought yet.
In just 12 days, my Savior will be born. In 12 days, Mary, the girl who was just about my age, will have her first child. We may be opening gifts and spending time with family, but I urge you not to forget: the greatest gift of all was already given. Our Redeemer, the one who saved us from sin itself, was already here. He will forever stay in the heart of His followers.
Yes, I'm talking about Jesus. Don't forget all He gave you, because it was, in fact, everything He had.
*sighs* Solo & Ensemble ended. WE GOT A ONE. So the next step? Playing our song. At the Christmas concert. In front of about 350 people. Fun! My nerves are actually pretty low-key. We know the song. And after all, when Christmas comes, it's not going to matter how well we did at Solo & Ensemble.
I'm jumping around a lot in this blog, I am fully aware. A lot has happened, admittedly. But it feels nice. I've accomplished a lot. I'm trying to cover everything I can before this class ends.
Oh! Flint happenings.. hmmm....
Well, a while back I talked about Luigi's pizza place, right? Well, my AMAZING brother plays basketball, on a team sponsored by Luigi's. They're playing Saturday. I'll be there.
Have a funky (haha I swore to my mom I would NEVER use that word) Friday.
Let it Glee!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Isi the only person that I have ever heard say the word funky was my little bro. Yes, a five-year old kid said "funky"!!! What is up with that? Any ways what are you working on writing now?
