Wednesday, December 30, 2009

... And a Happy New Year

My Christmas was fantastic, thanks. I got pretty much everything I wanted, and even more. Somewhat more importantly, got so much time with my family. We've spent these school-less days laying in bed, watching Amazing Wedding Cakes and other cake shows. I know it sounds random, but you have no idea how wonderful it is to see some edible art. Fondant is possibly my favorite invention ever.
I've also been playing tons of Sims 3: World Adventures. I'm pretty much addicted to the Sims, I admit. I need help.
The spirit of Christmas still isn't quite gone from my home. Our tree is still up, a few lingering presents remain. The stockings are still hung, and my dad is still playing the Christmas music. This is the way things should be. Jesus didn't just come for the month of December. He came for all of time. Every day is another day to celebrate His being born.
Tomorrow, though, is New Year's Eve. When the clock strikes twelve, a few different things will happen.
1. The huge ball in New York City will drop.
2. Fireworks will go off.
3. Champagne will be drunk.
4. It will be the end of 2009, and the beginning of 2010.
This isn't just the end of a year, but the end of a decade. Last time this happened, I was three years old. People were convinced the world was going to end, and had I known about it, I would have certainly agreed with them. I'm just the sort to believe in the things that may never happen.
The end of a decade. So much has happened... Not just for me, but for America and this world.
Less than 10 years ago, the tragic event of 9/11 happened. People died, people cried. That day will forever be remembered as a day of fear and sadness.
Less than a year ago, the first African-American President ever was elected. For me, it was a day of celebration and happiness. It certainly did show that American racism is not what it used to be. Thank God for that.
In Flint, Don Williamson was impeached or resigned or something. Some were upset (I not being one of them), and I am sorry for you. But only harm came to us while he was in charge. So, yes. I rejoice.
So much has happened. Now it's the end of an era. When the ball drops, close your eyes and make a wish. A wish that these next ten years will be better than the last ones. A wish that Flint will brighten up, and the sorrow there is here will be extinguished.
A wish for a happier tomorrow.
With this, I must say goodbye. My aunt, uncle, and three cousins (Chad, Aubree, Megan) are joining us for a game night.
I love you guys. Seriously. I wouldn't be anywhere without my readers.
Have a Nice, Natural, Naturific (haha!), Neat, Necessary, Neighborly, Nerveless New Year.
And yes. I did take to the dictionary on this one.
Let it Glee.


  1. Why dont you like a snow day???


  2. im glad you had an awesome christmas! and yes, new years is AWESOME!!!! i love whatching the ball drop and all of the performences on new years/new yrs eve. and this yr's was awesome!

  3. This is so awesome how you are telling others on your life and how you're have and are growing up in flint like many others at SJV and in the whole city of flint. Thanks for all that you do and continue to do in the flint area and the country/world at large.
