Friday, May 28, 2010

Flying Closer

The end of the year is precisely a week away. One week from today is my last day of school. I find this quite incredible. The year has flown by.
I've made a billion new friends this year. And that's only a slight exaggeration.
You learn a lot in one year. That much I've realized, possibly more than anything else. I learned a ton about myself as a person, as well as the people I go to school with.
I have skill. Not to brag, but it's my confidence pretty much overflowing. In learning all this stuff about my "skill", I got a boatload of confidence. Thanks. This blog has been a huge part of it.
I'm gonna take a few minutes to thank the people who taught me stuff this year, because this might be my last post until Summer.
I want to publicly thank my mom & dad. Not only for setting this whole blog up for me, but for everything they do for me, every single day. It takes a lot of work to raise a little brat like me. Just kidding, I'm not that awful most the time, but thank you anyway.
I want to thank my extended family as well, particularly my sister, Jan3elle, and my amazing cousins, Aubree and Megan. The three of them have inspired me and pushed me to do the right thing in so many situations throughout the year, and I know, that no matter what, they always support me.
I'd like to thank some of my inspirations:
Alysia: for teaching me to be strong, and helping me to let my hair down and have fun.
Elena: for listening to my worries and complaints, and helping me through them, even when they seem to be all I have.
Katie: for teaching me about people, and the value of having good friends.
Zach: for making me laugh when I'm about to cry, and pretty much always being there for me.
Courtney: for being a real guru, and exchanging ideas and writing and laughs with me.
Olivia: for listening. For helping. For understanding. For every single thing you do for me, and relating when it seems impossible that anyone else does.
Keegan: for challenging me not only in school, but in everything you do. For showing me that it's actually quite awesome when you're smart.
I need to wrap this up, but there are still more I need to thank. So I'll have to combine some people. But you guys are just as important.
Monica, for being here, even when she's across the country. Jacob, for just being so funny, and so protective of me. Joe, for talking to me every day, even though I really do get obnoxious after a while. Josh,  for being realistic and telling me when I really suck. Jacquie & Savannah, for showing me that friendships don't go away.
That's still not all. So many people have changed me for the better this year. It's been vital to me being who I am.
Others, I love you. You all know who you are. Even if I've never met you, and you're reading this, thank you. You're amazing.
Have a freaking fantastic Friday.
Jazz on Wheels today. Wish us luck.
Let it Glee.

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