Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happiness is a Choice

As Christmas quickly approaches, my days continue to get better and better. Last week, Monday was one of the best days I've had in a long time. Friday, again, was fantastic. Yesterday was probably the best of them all.
When I stop to wonder why these days have been so freaking happy, there are a few different ideas that flow from one side of my mind to the other. 

1. I have friends. Hold on. I actually have real friends. As in, people I'd want to spend extended amounts of time with. Half the people I interact with on any given day I'd gladly trade the world for. People never cease to amaze me. Each person, every friend is so genuinely unique and beautiful that I can't help but be astounded by them. 

2. God is amazing. He's given me such a sense of grace and personal growth this year. In every single thing I've done, I've found myself at another stretch for personal growth and lasting happiness. He's the best. I mean, what a boss he is. I love. 

3. I've kind of calmed down! I used to be ever-stressed about everything. Everything. Whether it be school or band or life or people or whatever. I've really gotten to a point where I do stress out, but not in excess. For example, I have my HH project due tomorrow. And what am I doing?
I'm writing on my blog. Because this is important as well, and I've worked my butt off lately.

Joy is such a state of mind. I know for a fact I was happy on Friday because I woke up laughing. Really, I woke up giggling. Which, I mean, sounds like an absolutely ridiculous thing to do, but my dreams have an awesome sense of humor.

I think happiness really is a choice. Every day, there are people around me who choose sadness. They don't look on the bright side, or help themselves. I'm not just saying that for meanness.

I went to go see "Of Mice and Men" yesterday. Which was amazing. The cast and crew.. Seriously, I'm telling you guys, theatre folk are the best people in the world.

I'll make a list, now, of things that make me happy.

-peppermint hot chocolate
-laughing when I'm not supposed to be
-french-tipped nails with glitter
-being expressive
-theatre people
-excellent Stumbles on stumbleupon
-getting random texts
-looking at my Christmas tree
-wrapping presents
-really huge words
-things that smell delicious
-excellent style
-feeling good about myself without makeup

and that's just a few! I suppose I might say that I'm one of those people that are easy to please.

Make a choice to be happy this weekend. Find five things that make you happy, and do them as much as you possibly can. As long as they're not like "killing people" or "burning books."
You'll see an effect. I promise. 


  1. Hehe...
    Retarded giraffes can't have french tipped nails with glitter!

