Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Fail of Most Epic Proportions

Writing papers is my favorite part of English class. I can honestly say that it comes easiest to me out of everything we learn, and I naturally expect pretty good grades, and about a 3-page paper.
My Cause and Effect essay was one page long.
One page.
People in my class, who aren't that into writing, wrote more than me.
It was good, about getting my contacts. I liked it. Josh (thank you Josh) hated it, but I don't write papers for his approval. I followed the guidelines. My cause and effect was pretty clear. (Cause= lost/busted my glasses, Effect= got my contacts).
But still...
One page. Ugh.
Moving on...
There's a concert at my church tonight, in Flint. I'm going with my dad, brother, Chad (my eldest cousin), and Aubree (my wise cousin). It's a Christian concert. I'm soooooo excited. Won't lie.
Snow plows have come through Flint's streets, trapping our neighbors' car and flattening our mounds of snow.
Also: I'm in English class with Zoe, Ron, Mason, Josh, Kendall, Charbrielle, Hailee, Lily, Ty, Jacquie, Taylor, Casey, and Tyrone.
There you go, guys.
As always, I love you all.
Have a _________ Thursday.
Let it Glee.


  1. Heyy! Great post! it seems that your favorite phrase is "epic fail". lqtm. i am also mad because my english paper is also only one fricken page long.ugh, such lamesauce.

  2. Thrashing thursday
    Thursday thursday
    triangle thursday
    trippin tuesday
    tasty thursday
    taco thursday
    tricky thursday

  3. Your welcome it was an epic fail... your right. Epic fail is not a good catch phrase. What about w-it -an't -ere --u -ave t- wr-t- oth-r ---men-
