Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snow Day: Part 2

Today, I got TON of comments on my "Snow Day" post. So I decided, for the sake of you who don't quite understand, that I would explain just a little further.
You know that feeling, when you're with your family, up until midnight watching a movie? Or, out in front of a campfire in fall with a group of your friends, living and laughing? It's the feeling you get that equals pure bliss, the most concentrated form of happiness. Surely, you've felt it at one time or another.
That's my school.
I know, I am (and I quote) a freak. I'm a freak for loving school, and for letting it means so much to me. I'm a freak for loving every minute of it.
On the days when there isn't school, also known as snow days or holidays or the dreaded summer, I miss my friends.
Because, for me, friends sometimes mean happiness. They're like family, really. My family means just as much to me as my friends do. I take care of my friends and love on them, because they're some of my favorite people in the world.
Most my friends go to my school. They take care of me, too. They're the whole reason I like school.
They're what I go to school for.
On a much more minor factor, ignorance=depression. And learning keeps us happy. It's human nature. Most likely, nobody wants to admit it (except for me) but finally getting it makes you smile.
Or, I guess, I'm just even more of a freak for not wanting to be ignorant.
One of the two.
On a final note, I know this is two posts in one day. It was a more easygoing day at school. Right now I'm in computers. Last time was English.
So cherish your family. Love on your friends. Learn something or other.
Thanks, guys. I'm loving this day. I owe all of you for making it so.
Let it Glee.


  1. One of my old buddy that goes to your school (his name starts with an R). told me about your blog and i think that it is the most amazing. I love Reading about peoples life

  2. Isi! I understand completly. Too bad a hate school now. Keep up with the blog, my friend. It's great.
    LUWAMH foever and always,
    p.s. whoever's under my comments a loser

  3. Justin Bieber= Ryan, I think, M.. but you weren't added to the top but the bottom. so technically, whoever is ABOVE you is s loser. ( ; haha
