Thursday, February 11, 2010

Love: A Many Splendid Thing

I'm 13. Each year, I learn and grow a bit more. Last year, I learned much.
I learned how to defend myself in a self-defense class with my mom and cousins.
I learned what it's like to have one of your best friends in the whole world ripped away from you, halfway across the country.
I learned that sometimes people actually care about my life, and are interested in reading what I have to say.
I learned to be grateful for the opportunities that present themselves to me, sometimes they're a long way in between.
I learned how to move on.
But more than anything else, I learned of love.
Love is many things. It's a noun, a verb, can be used as an adjective (lovely), and it's a feeling. Love love love.
I love several things. I love my family, in the way that I would never want to hurt or damage my relationships with any of them. They mean so much to me. Family is the one group of people that, whether they want to or not, cannot truly leave you. They're the ones your around more than others, the ones that you have to be able to talk to. If you can't talk to your family, you can't talk to many people.
Right next to family is friends. I have friends, but then I have friends. A true friend is the one that's there when nobody else will answer their phone. They'll gush with you and cry with you, defend you, and know exactly what you need to hear. Plus, they'll tell you what you need to hear. Friends have a very important role in a person's life, almost as much as family.
I love the little people that make me laugh. The "not-quite-friends, not-quite-dating" people.
Yes. I said it. Dating.
Many, many, many people say 13-15 is too young to date. It's been a topic in my house lately, and I'm sure it has been elsewhere also, with Valentine's Day fast approaching. I disagree with the previous statement. I'll explain why, don't worry.
Love is just a friendship, caught on fire. (*coughs* shoutouts to M *coughs*) No matter what people say, I will never ever agree that somebody is too young to try out love. It's one of those things, for me. I feel strongly about this, more than almost anything else.
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love. And be loved in return. (property of Moulin Rouge *the movie)
Let's give Flint a little love, yeah? Stop the hate.
I love you.
Have a wicked awesome Valentine's Day.
Let it Glee.


  1. O_O I was mention twice! Lol. Nothing to get all hyper about.
    Miss you.

  2. M: Miss you too. So so much. And yes, I did mention you, didn't I? huh. That's pretty cool. It's an instinct, I've been thinking about the story adn everything lately.
