Thursday, February 4, 2010

Eye of the Storm

Things are getting a little crazy.
It's been an intense week, which is why I haven't written much. But there was one really cool thing I did this week, kinda having to do with Flint, kinda not.
Actually, in reality, it happened in Frankenmuth.
I'll back up a bit, for my reader's sakes..
I MADE A CAKE. That's right. It was sweet, too.. I'll attach some pictures. Sweet, isn't it? I loved it. We actually got fondant for the bottom layer, and then the cake on top of that was covered in cream cheese frosting. It was one of the yummiest things I have ever eaten, not to brag. There was chocolate on the bottom and yellow cake on the top. Both were astounding.
Then, my lovely family came over, and we went to see the ice fest in Frankenmuth. It was quite fun, though I pretty much froze my butt off.
The ice sculptors did an amazing job. Seriously, they carved like.. teardrops into faces. It was awesome. The snow carvers were good too, one group carved all these little scales on a dragon..
Seeing things like that give me hope for the world. I'm not quite sure why. Maybe it's the fact that people still haven't stopped being creative. As long as we have our creativity, we're okay.
That applies even to Flint. I've visited the museums and restaurants here. We haven't stopped being creative and artistic any more that the rest of the world has.
This is a VERY good thing. There's hope, even for us people of Flint. Sure, sometimes things seem dismal and ridiculously ridiculous. But it will get better.
We're only going up from here.
Have a thrashin' Thursday.
Let it Glee.

1 comment:

  1. I have a joke for u why did the chicken cross the road to be continued.....
