Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time's Flight

Whew. It's been a while, hasn't it? There's so much to catch up on...
I've been meaning to write this for quite a few days now, to apologize to my readers and hopefully explain the craziness.
The biggest Flint event that's been going on (in my world) was Science Fair. May I just say, I really don't like Science Fair? Seriously, that's been my main interference with writing to you guys. There have been papers due, and a backboard to build, and other things I'm fortunate enough to never have to worry about again.
I'm being completely religious when I say, "Thank God." Seriously, praise Jesus. I'm so relieved right now. But ANYWAY, I took my stuff to Kettering on Friday to set up, so judges could look over my whole project. (My project, by the way, was on whether or not a more expensive camera would take better pictures than a less expensive camera. It doesn't). But after 2 months of stress and seemingly mention, I didn't win the Flint Science Fair. Whatever. Moving on..
We got all 1's at District Band Festival. We performed at Carman Ainsworth and played 3 pieces: Lexington March, Black Forest Overture, and Ancient Moon. We did pretty well, though we were far from perfect. The judges thought so, at least.
Either way, a 1 is a 1. Our school band is going to State Festival, which is pretty cool, but leaves us very little rehearsal time. In fact, 15 rehearsals from today. With Spring Break in the middle of them. And we all know how hard it is to come back and stay the same strength as before. Many times, it's like a step backwards.
Last weekend I went to "Awaken" in Highland, MI. It was crazy, in a good way. I definitely learned loads. It taught about being a better Christian and person. There was a lot that was good and sound about it, but there was some I disagreed with. As always. I mean, it is me we're talking about.
Saturday, I'm taking the SAT, which I'm extremely nervous about. With any luck, I'll be driving down to Ann Arbor (where I'm taking it) the night before with my beautiful mother to get some sleep. Then, after, we'll go shopping. <3 I love shopping there.
Believe it or not, I'm out of time. Again. I have a Science Current event to work on, some pizza kits to sell for my band program, a headache to rid myself of, and 1000 paper cranes to make. (It's Japanese legend that if you make 1000 paper cranes, you get a wish granted). I really want that wish.
Plus, I need to get on Facebook. This is truly important, I promise. My Farmville needs me.
I love you with all my heart.
M, if you're reading this, I miss you. My phone's off today, but hopefully you'll text tomorrow or something? It's been way too long. I hope you're having an awesome time in Texas, m'dear.
Have a ticklish Tuesday.
Let it Glee.

1 comment:

  1. RON!!!!! misses school! :)March 13, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    well? im glad your happy with your life....:)... yea! so all i want you to do is to email me! my email: RonHouston600@yahoo.com
