Monday, September 2, 2013

Genesis 21

Genesis 21 
I love babies. So I absolutely delight over the entire story of Abraham and Sarah having Isaac, after going their whole life thinking that sort of miracle was impossible. I love, too, that God directed them to name their son after the word laughter. God has such an affinity for laughter - there is nothing I see more sign of Him in than bubbling, free, uncontrollable laughter. 
Abraham and Sarah are the typical parents; they throw a party for Isaac, and get defensive when he's being teased by his half-brother. They're doting, and full of love for their precious child. This completely parallels God's love for us, except for that God's love is more perfect. 
I get the feeling that God really wants me to believe that He'll always provide. It is a universal truth, seen here again with Hagar in the desert. Just when she runs out of hope, and has essentially an emotional breakdown, her creator wipes away her tears and opens her eyes to something that she missed - a well of water, that may as well symbolize a well of life. Without the well, Hagar and Ishmael surely would have died of dehydration. But God was taking care of them. 
And God keeps taking care of them throughout their life in the wilderness. 
One of my biggest concerns about this new school year is friends. It always is. Every year, I have a fair 
amount of anxiety over this ridiculous idea that "what if I don't really have friends?" This idea is preposterous. I have been blessed with amazing friends, and I can't imagine having any with more beautiful souls. I love them to death. However, I'm reminded in this passage today that God will make us friends, too. 
That king guy- Abimelech- saw the light of God in Abraham. Because of this light, Abimelech wanted to make an oath with Abraham. They promise to treat each other well, and thus: a friendship was born. 
Abraham gives his friend a generous gift of seven sheep, and he gets to keep the well, and he has a new friend in his corner. 
I love that Abraham celebrated this connection through worshipping God. So many times, I fail to recognize the blessings that God is working in my life. 
And I'm eternally grateful for my marvelous friends. 

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