Tuesday, November 3, 2009

When Pigs Fly

A while back, people like me were obsessed with this saying: "People once said a black man would be President when pigs fly. One month into Obama's presidency, swine flew."
Yes, I am fully aware that this is the cheesiest saying you've ever heard. Calm down. It's one of my favorites for a few reasons. Number one, I adore play on words. Like, when you use homophones or homographs or whatever. They're the cleverest things ever to me. Secondly, I had been waiting forever for Obama to get sworn in. This was because I think the best President needs to be one who's been spoken out against. One who's faced injustice.
This could be anyone who's treated unfair because of their race, religion, etc. I absolutely adore people who are different. I'm so biased toward them, it's not even funny. That's why I stand where I do on the whole "Twilight" episode. I'm hoping this passes, to be honest. The books were good, though.
I'm getting off track. That's a whole nother post.
I was talking about Obama. Whoops. That's strange, since this post was supposed to be about swine flu.
Anyway, to finish up on Obama (I don't do things halfway), he is amazing. I'm so glad he won, instead of that *shudders* other woman. I'm a die-hard, knock-you-off-your-feet, sway you with the facts Democrat. Sorry, Republican readers, but I love saying it. Standards? LOVE IT! Obama? LOVE HIM! The other people (Palin, Hillary *shudders*)? Not so much.
Getting back to swine...
People are so sick at our school. Even I've been dealing with coughing and stuff. (Though for me, it's just my allergies). Three of my friends have been out all week so far, and they even had a long weekend to heal up. I'm starting to get concerned they really do have swine, and I haven't just been saying that to be annoying. Two of three of them aren't sure... One of three of them I haven't investigated enough...
I miss them all so much. They need to all come back and give me five good reasons they chose this week to be sick.
So, anyway, wash your hands, use lots of sanitizer, and do all the stuff I normally tune out but already do out of habit.
I have to finish up here.
Sorry it was such an outspoken post. If you didn't like it, don't worry. But don't write me mean comments. Because I cannot be swayed. I'm like a stubborn mule when it comes to this. Except, you know, kind of smarter than your average mule, and don't have four legs (I promise, ask my mom), and don't necessarily enjoy eating out of people's hands. But if you wash them, assuring me I won't get swine, it will definitely be more tempting.
Have a wishful Wednesday!
And, as always,
Let it Glee.


  1. Hey Isi I am sick!!!!!

  2. Is...That is not swine flu or whatever.lol. Its like worse over here. There was one day when 250 kids were absent from school! So wierd when you add up all the numbers.
